Wednesday, February 18, 2015

40 bags in 40 days...

I'm not even sure how I came to follow her on Instagram, but at the mention of eliminating 40 bags of stuff over the next 40 days, I immediately became a follower.  One of my goals this month was to eliminate 5 unnecessary piles in our home. Piles form and then slowly seem to become part of the furniture that I simply walk around. Gradually though it becomes like a heavy weight on my shoulders rather than an ugly piece of furniture.  

Ann Marie planned for this major purging to coincide with the 40 days of lent.  I have tried to do lent in the past and usually fail, so I will not claim this as a spiritual endeavor.  But I do think with the letting go of stuff, there will also be much freedom.  If you're interested in minimalist living, check out this podcast with Tsh Oxenrider and Joshua Becker, called Freedom from Stuff

Emily Freeman just reviewed this podcast as well and wrote on Becoming a Soul Minimalist.  I resonated with her words, "When our souls are filled with clutter, which is meant to be complex and awe-inspiring, it can become complicated and exhausting.  When that happens, I crave simple."  

Simple... it's become a motto of sorts.  I've been told that my generation seeks that more than those in the past.  Perhaps it's due to the insane amount of information and ideas so readily available at our fingertips.  Much to ponder...

But back to the task at hand!  40 bags in 40 days.  If you're interested in joining in, check out her printable to fill out and her blog.  You never know, it could change your life.

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